Sunday, July 12, 2009

End of the Year...TA DA!

The last day of school. It brings mixed emotions - but mainly lots of joy...finally I will see some sunshine before June is OVER! Our last day (with students) was June 19 - it seemed like forever.

Anyway, my colleague (Kim) mentioned to me that the kids would enjoy making ice cream sandwiches - of course she was right! Kim had an "ice cream sandwich maker" that she bought in the spring at a Pampered Chef party. Side note- we were bummed to find out that Pampered Chef no longer makes this nifty item. So if you have seen it or something similar, I would like to know where! The students really enjoyed using this to make their ice cream sandwiches. Simple, but sweet! Kim graciously allowed for the students to use hers if they wanted.

We needed an educational part to this ice cream sandwich making fiasco. So I came up with "The Nutritional Facts of an Ice Cream Sandwich" Talk about cross-curriculum! The students used their math skills to count the calories of the ice cream and the cookies. Take a look at the website where I post the documents for the worksheet.

In our school system we were fortunate enough to get Promethean Boards this year, so I have the flip chart that you will need for this lesson - just email me! If you don't have a Promethean Board, I will gladly put it into a powerpoint - just email me!

A Resourceful Idea

At the beginning of last school year (08-09), I went to a training session by a fellow teacher. Our school system has adopted the module classroom (the program is called "Growing up Ready") from Paxton-Patterson for all 7th grade FACS classes. The teacher who held the training helped those of us who were new, get used to the program. Anyway, along with the training she passed along all of her great ideas for other units too!

In my classroom I implemented her idea of an "Apron Measuring Project" - basic idea: Each student comes up with a rough draft (on paper) of an apron design that includes various abbreviations, measuring tools, and equivalents. GREAT IDEA - especially when students are working on the modules and the different groups finish their module at different points...the answer was always "work on your apron!" FYI, we ordered the aprons from and they are a great deal!

However, this year I have decided to cut costs so I took that original idea, changed and expanded on it and came up with...THE KITCHEN CALENDAR. Check it out on the documents website! If you have questions, email me!

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